President Barack Obama visits Nelson Mandela’s prison cell in 2013/White House photographer Pete Souza

Obama would already be in jail

You know it, I know it, and the American people know it

Jeffrey Denny
5 min readJun 12, 2024


Jeffrey Denny

A few simple yet racially awkward questions for MAGAs and “decent” Republicans still in the tank for Trump:

What if, in 2016, Barack Obama was anything like Donald Trump?

And Democrats nominated Obama despite — or maybe because of — his notorious trail of failed business ventures, screwed-over contractors, workers, business partners, lawyers and accountants, and shameless cheating on taxes and wives. While crowing about his greatness despite walking home from third base as silver-spoon nepo prince with a preternatural gift for bullshit, braggadocio and blithe disregard for the truth he doesn’t like.

And Obama brazenly lived a scandal-sheet Caligulan life cheerfully trashing every Christian value that hardcore Christians use to harshly judge their fellow Americans unto hell. But love Obama for his sins.

And Obama rallied supporters against Trump to chant “lock him up” even before they knew about Trump’s real prosecutable pre-election crimes.

And just before the presidential election, a tape emerged of Obama boasting about his sexual assault strategies, saying:

· “She was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it … I did try and fuck her.”

· “You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

· “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. … Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

What if President Obama acted like President Trump?

Say that Obama, beating every politician ever, made over 30,000 obviously, verifiably false or misleading claims just in his first three years with many more after.

When caught in his lies dead to rights, Obama doubled down like Jeffy in “Family Circus” blaming “Not Me” when he steals a cookie before dinner.

And when challenged for his bullying, Obama played victim.

And Obama always stood strong for his hardcore left-wing radical MAMA (Making America More Antifa) base that wanted to make America a progressive paradise such as vegan, car-free, gender-neutral and “woke.”

And Obama viciously Twitter/X-insulted everyone who had the anti-American temerity to question the president. And incited his disturbed dark web domestic terrorists to send death threats against their fellow citizens who refused to heil him.

And Obama made MSNBC his official state media to feed propaganda to MAMAs who made it America’s #1 cable news source and lapped it up as the only truth destroying Republican “facts.” In his big beautiful rallies, Obama goaded chants calling Fox the “enemy of the people.”

And Obama stacked the U.S. Supreme Court with “communist” justices for a bulletproof majority that gave government the right to invade citizen privacy and stripped other Constitutional protections. His MAMAs demanded freedom from government for themselves while demanding that government take away freedoms from other Americans.

When running for reelection, Obama told Antifa to “stand back and stand by” to take action if he lost. When he did, he claimed Republicans stole the election and incited Antifa to attack the U.S. Capitol to stop the electoral vote count. Obama’s rioters brutalized Blue Lives, trashed the Capitol, chased down Republican lawmakers, and erected a gallows to hang Vice President Joe Biden for doing his Constitutional duty to confirm his electoral loss. Obama told Antifa “we love you” and called their attack “peaceful” and the rioters “warriors,” “hostages,” “political prisoners” and “victims.”

Obama later called Columbia University students chanting anti-Semitic slogans “good people.”

More broadly, Obama rallied hate against white European immigrants who invaded our country since 1600, stole our native land, enslaved nonwhite Americans, and poisoned our blood. He said white immigrants needed to be rounded up, kicked out, and their children caged. Obama called for “big beautiful walls” against white urban gentrification and hoards of invading Canadians seeking Obamacare.

It gets worse:

Obama’s White House was more chaotic than preschool Pickleball, his cabinet had more turnovers than Pepperidge Farm, and his management inspired more knives out than the “Knives Out” movies.

Obama dodged the Vietnam draft like other modern presidents (because he was 12 when the war ended). But unlike other Commanders in Chief of the world’s most powerful military leading 2.6 million Americans in uniform, Obama:

· Called our troops who gave their life to defend our nation and freedom “losers” and “suckers.”

· Declared John McCain was “not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

· Said a five-star Army General and NATO Supreme Allied Commander “doesn’t understand national security.”

· Called “my fucking generals” “a bunch of pussies.”

· Whined that his STDs from womanizing were his “personal Vietnam.”

Would you still reelect Obama?

If he caused tens of thousands of Americans to sicken and die from Covid by denying it was a deadly pandemic and spreading fake cures such as tanning beds or shooting up Lysol.

If he continued to rile and rally his supporters to divide and conquer the nation.

If he was impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors including abuse of power and obstruction of Congress to rig his reelection. And impeached again for his incitement of insurrection.

What if Obama loved himself more than America, believed the rule of law and justice don’t apply to him, and was bent on destroying our democracy to achieve ultimate power?

Would you STILL reelect Obama?

If he promised revenge, retribution and dictatorship starting on Day One?

And he told supporters, “I am your warrior, I am your justice.”

And it turned out he raped — er, “sexually abused” — a woman he didn’t know in a luxury department store dressing room.

And he cooked his books to seem richer or poorer for tax breaks or cheaper loans, which most Americans would be ruined or jailed for.

And he lost both of these civil court cases and owes over $500 million he cannot pay and so he’s raising the money by his typical hook and crook.

And on the criminal front, Obama faced 91 counts in four cases that he:

· Committed business and election fraud by paying hush money to a porn star;

· Schemed to conceal classified documents he took from the White House;

· Conspired to rig his reelection; and,

· Racketeered by pressuring a politician to find the votes he needed to win.

And how about if Obama:

Was convicted by a jury of all 34 counts in the first — and weakest — criminal case after quick deliberation and verdict, indicating it was slam dunk.

This was after Obama acted up in and outside of court, sneering at the due process, judge and jury that held him to justice like a normal person. Anyone who dared to hold him accountable for his actions, however unlawful, will feel his wrath when he returns to the White House. Which Democrats dearly want.

Imagine, MAGAs and decent Republicans, if Trump were Black….

Jeffrey Denny is a Washington writer.



Jeffrey Denny

A Pullet Surprise-winning writer who always appreciates free chicken.